Personal health information is personal information which is collected in order for us to provide a health service.
This information includes medical details, family information, name, address, employment and other demographic data, past medical and social history, current health issues and future medical care, Medicare number, accounts details and any health information such as a medical or personal opinion about a person’s health, disability or health status.
It includes the formal medical record, whether written or electronic, and information held or recorded on any other medium e.g. letter, fax, or electronically or information conveyed verbally.
We consider all of this information in your medical record as a confidential document only accessible by authorised staff members.
Our practice abides by legislation and the Australian Privacy Principles which came into effect on 12 March 2014.
These principles ensure the security of your personal health information and can be viewed online at
A copy of a full medical record will incur a small fee, whilst a summary will be provided free of charge.
A copy of our full privacy policy is available here:
Shops 13-15 Currumbin Fair Shopping Centre, 15-23 Bienvenue Drive Currumbin Waters, Qld, 4223